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00001 #ifndef __NV40_SHADER_H__
00002 #define __NV40_SHADER_H__
00004 /* Vertex programs instruction set
00005  *
00006  * The NV40 instruction set is very similar to NV30.  Most fields are in
00007  * a slightly different position in the instruction however.
00008  *
00009  * Merged instructions
00010  *     In some cases it is possible to put two instructions into one opcode
00011  *     slot.  The rules for when this is OK is not entirely clear to me yet.
00012  *
00013  *     There are separate writemasks and dest temp register fields for each
00014  *     grouping of instructions.  There is however only one field with the
00015  *     ID of a result register.  Writing to temp/result regs is selected by
00016  *     setting VEC_RESULT/SCA_RESULT.
00017  *
00018  * Temporary registers
00019  *     The source/dest temp register fields have been extended by 1 bit, to
00020  *     give a total of 32 temporary registers.
00021  *
00022  * Relative Addressing
00023  *     NV40 can use an address register to index into vertex attribute regs.
00024  *     This is done by putting the offset value into INPUT_SRC and setting
00025  *     the INDEX_INPUT flag.
00026  *
00027  * Conditional execution (see NV_vertex_program{2,3} for details)
00028  *     There is a second condition code register on NV40, it's use is enabled
00029  *     by setting the COND_REG_SELECT_1 flag.
00030  *
00031  * Texture lookup
00032  *     TODO
00033  */
00035 /* ---- OPCODE BITS 127:96 / data DWORD 0 --- */
00036 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_RESULT             (1 << 30) /* set when writing result regs */
00037 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_UPDATE_ENABLE   ((1 << 14)|1<<29) /* unsure about this */
00038 #define NV40_VP_INST_INDEX_INPUT          (1 << 27) /* Use an address reg as in index into attribs */
00039 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_REG_SELECT_1    (1 << 25)
00040 #define NV40_VP_INST_ADDR_REG_SELECT_1    (1 << 24)
00041 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC2_ABS             (1 << 23)
00042 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC1_ABS             (1 << 22)
00043 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC0_ABS             (1 << 21)
00044 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_DEST_TEMP_SHIFT  15
00045 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_DEST_TEMP_MASK   (0x1F << 15)
00046 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_TEST_ENABLE     (1 << 13) /* write masking based on condition test */
00047 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SHIFT           10
00048 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_MASK            (0x7 << 10)
00049 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_FL     0
00050 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_LT     1
00051 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_EQ     2
00052 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_LE     3
00053 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_GT     4
00054 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_NE     5
00055 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_GE     6
00056 #    define NV40_VP_INST_COND_TR     7
00057 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_X_SHIFT     8
00058 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_X_MASK      (3 << 8)
00059 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_Y_SHIFT     6
00060 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_Y_MASK      (3 << 6)
00061 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_Z_SHIFT     4
00062 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_Z_MASK      (3 << 4)
00063 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_W_SHIFT     2
00064 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_W_MASK      (3 << 2)
00065 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_ALL_SHIFT   2
00066 #define NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_ALL_MASK    (0xFF << 2)
00067 #define NV40_VP_INST_ADDR_SWZ_SHIFT       0
00068 #define NV40_VP_INST_ADDR_SWZ_MASK        (0x03 << 0)
00069 #define NV40_VP_INST0_KNOWN ( \
00070         NV40_VP_INST_INDEX_INPUT | \
00071         NV40_VP_INST_COND_REG_SELECT_1 | \
00072         NV40_VP_INST_ADDR_REG_SELECT_1 | \
00073         NV40_VP_INST_SRC2_ABS | \
00074         NV40_VP_INST_SRC1_ABS | \
00075         NV40_VP_INST_SRC0_ABS | \
00076         NV40_VP_INST_VEC_DEST_TEMP_MASK | \
00077         NV40_VP_INST_COND_TEST_ENABLE | \
00078         NV40_VP_INST_COND_MASK | \
00079         NV40_VP_INST_COND_SWZ_ALL_MASK | \
00080         NV40_VP_INST_ADDR_SWZ_MASK)
00082 /* ---- OPCODE BITS 95:64 / data DWORD 1 --- */
00083 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_OPCODE_SHIFT     22
00084 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_OPCODE_MASK      (0x1F << 22)
00085 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_NOP           0x00
00086 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_MOV           0x01
00087 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_MUL           0x02
00088 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_ADD           0x03
00089 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_MAD           0x04
00090 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_DP3           0x05
00091 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_DP4           0x07
00092 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_DPH           0x06
00093 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_DST           0x08
00094 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_MIN           0x09
00095 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_MAX           0x0A
00096 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SLT           0x0B
00097 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SGE           0x0C
00098 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_ARL           0x0D
00099 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_FRC           0x0E
00100 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_FLR           0x0F
00101 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SEQ           0x10
00102 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SFL           0x11
00103 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SGT           0x12
00104 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SLE           0x13
00105 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SNE           0x14
00106 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_STR           0x15
00107 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SSG           0x16
00108 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_ARR           0x17
00109 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_ARA           0x18
00110 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_TXWHAT        0x19
00111 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_OPCODE_SHIFT     27
00112 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_OPCODE_MASK      (0x1F << 27)
00113 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_RCP           0x02
00114 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_RCC           0x03
00115 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_RSQ           0x04
00116 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_EXP           0x05
00117 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_LOG           0x06
00118 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_LIT           0x07
00119 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_BRA           0x09
00120 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_CAL           0x0B
00121 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_RET           0x0C
00122 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_LG2           0x0D
00123 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_EX2           0x0E
00124 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_SIN           0x0F
00125 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_COS           0x10
00126 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_PUSHA         0x13
00127 #    define NV40_VP_INST_OP_POPA          0x14
00128 #define NV40_VP_INST_CONST_SRC_SHIFT      12
00129 #define NV40_VP_INST_CONST_SRC_MASK       (0xFF << 12)
00130 #define NV40_VP_INST_INPUT_SRC_SHIFT      8 
00131 #define NV40_VP_INST_INPUT_SRC_MASK       (0x0F << 8)
00132 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_POS           0      /* These seem to match the bindings specified in   */
00133 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_WEIGHT        1      /* the ARB_v_p spec (                     */
00134 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_NORMAL        2      
00135 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_COL0          3      /* Should probably confirm them all thougth        */
00136 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_COL1          4
00137 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_FOGC          5
00138 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_TC0           8
00139 #    define NV40_VP_INST_IN_TC(n)         (8+n)
00140 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC0H_SHIFT          0
00141 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC0H_MASK           (0xFF << 0)
00142 #define NV40_VP_INST1_KNOWN ( \
00143         NV40_VP_INST_VEC_OPCODE_MASK | \
00144         NV40_VP_INST_SCA_OPCODE_MASK | \
00145         NV40_VP_INST_CONST_SRC_MASK  | \
00146         NV40_VP_INST_INPUT_SRC_MASK  | \
00147         NV40_VP_INST_SRC0H_MASK \
00148         )
00150 /* ---- OPCODE BITS 63:32 / data DWORD 2 --- */
00151 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC0L_SHIFT          23
00152 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC0L_MASK           (0x1FF << 23)
00153 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC1_SHIFT           6
00154 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC1_MASK            (0x1FFFF << 6)
00155 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC2H_SHIFT          0
00156 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC2H_MASK           (0x3F << 0)
00157 #define NV40_VP_INST_IADDRH_SHIFT         0
00158 #define NV40_VP_INST_IADDRH_MASK          (0x1F << 0) /* guess, need to test this */
00160 /* ---- OPCODE BITS 31:0 / data DWORD 3 --- */
00161 #define NV40_VP_INST_IADDRL_SHIFT         29        
00162 #define NV40_VP_INST_IADDRL_MASK          (7 << 29)
00163 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC2L_SHIFT          21
00164 #define NV40_VP_INST_SRC2L_MASK           (0x7FF << 21)
00165 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_SHIFT      17
00166 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_MASK       (0xF << 17)
00167 #    define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_X      (1 << 20)
00168 #    define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_Y      (1 << 19)
00169 #    define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_Z      (1 << 18)
00170 #    define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_W      (1 << 17)
00171 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_SHIFT      13
00172 #define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_MASK       (0xF << 13)
00173 #    define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_X      (1 << 16)
00174 #    define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_Y      (1 << 15)
00175 #    define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_Z      (1 << 14)
00176 #    define NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_W      (1 << 13)
00177 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_RESULT             (1 << 12)
00178 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_DEST_TEMP_SHIFT   7
00179 #define NV40_VP_INST_SCA_DEST_TEMP_MASK    (0x1F << 7)
00180 #define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_SHIFT           2
00181 #define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_MASK            (31 << 2)
00182 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_POS         0
00183 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_COL0        1
00184 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_COL1        2
00185 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_BFC0        3
00186 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_BFC1        4
00187 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_FOGC        5
00188 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_PSZ         6
00189 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_TC0         7
00190 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_TC(n)       (7+n)
00191 #    define NV40_VP_INST_DEST_TEMP        0x1F     /* see NV40_VP_INST0_* for actual register */
00192 #define NV40_VP_INST_INDEX_CONST          (1 << 1)
00193 #define NV40_VP_INST_UNK_00               (1 << 0) /* appears to be set on the last inst only */
00194 #define NV40_VP_INST3_KNOWN ( \
00195         NV40_VP_INST_SRC2L_MASK |\
00196         NV40_VP_INST_SCA_WRITEMASK_MASK |\
00197         NV40_VP_INST_VEC_WRITEMASK_MASK |\
00198         NV40_VP_INST_SCA_DEST_TEMP_MASK |\
00199         NV40_VP_INST_DEST_MASK |\
00200         NV40_VP_INST_INDEX_CONST)
00202 /* Useful to split the source selection regs into their pieces */
00203 #define NV40_VP_SRC0_HIGH_SHIFT 9
00204 #define NV40_VP_SRC0_HIGH_MASK  0x0001FE00
00205 #define NV40_VP_SRC0_LOW_MASK   0x000001FF
00206 #define NV40_VP_SRC2_HIGH_SHIFT 11
00207 #define NV40_VP_SRC2_HIGH_MASK  0x0001F800
00208 #define NV40_VP_SRC2_LOW_MASK   0x000007FF
00210 /* Source selection - these are the bits you fill NV40_VP_INST_SRCn with */
00211 #define NV40_VP_SRC_NEGATE               (1 << 16)
00212 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_X_SHIFT          14
00213 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_X_MASK           (3 << 14)
00214 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_Y_SHIFT          12
00215 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_Y_MASK           (3 << 12)
00216 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_Z_SHIFT          10
00217 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_Z_MASK           (3 << 10)
00218 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_W_SHIFT          8
00219 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_W_MASK           (3 << 8)
00220 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_ALL_SHIFT        8
00221 #define NV40_VP_SRC_SWZ_ALL_MASK         (0xFF << 8)
00222 #define NV40_VP_SRC_TEMP_SRC_SHIFT       2
00223 #define NV40_VP_SRC_TEMP_SRC_MASK        (0x1F << 2)
00224 #define NV40_VP_SRC_REG_TYPE_SHIFT       0
00225 #define NV40_VP_SRC_REG_TYPE_MASK        (3 << 0)
00226 #    define NV40_VP_SRC_REG_TYPE_UNK0    0
00227 #    define NV40_VP_SRC_REG_TYPE_TEMP    1
00228 #    define NV40_VP_SRC_REG_TYPE_INPUT   2
00229 #    define NV40_VP_SRC_REG_TYPE_CONST   3
00231 #endif

Generated on Sat Aug 19 20:40:53 2006 for Renouveau by  doxygen 1.4.4